What would you like to discuss today?
i have an omitted anecdote from the "Keep the Aspidistra Flying" post. It goes like this:
I was in the fitting room (i have only recently aquiesced to the utility of fitting rooms) and as i was done trying on clothes, i put on my shoes and turned to leave. Except i wasn't wearing pants. Okay. Take off the shoes put on the pants, put on my coat, time to go. Wait i forgot to put on my shoes. Take off the coat, put on the shoes put on the coat, no wait i'm not wearing my shirt. Put on the shirt put on the coat, and now let's go.
"...Bush officials have tried to justify this war on the grounds that Saddam is allied with Osama bin Laden or will be soon. There is simply no proof of that, and every time I hear them repeat it I think of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution. You don’t take the country to war on the wings of a lie.”
-Thomas Friedman
of the New York Times (Feb.19)
well, of course you do. How else is it to be accomplished?
Will the International Atomic Energy Agency be forced to change it's acronym to I.E.A.E. in order to conform to the President's comments on Thursday, or perhaps we should call it the E.I.E.I.O.?
Is there some sort of aphasia going around that causes people who stand within the shadows of the White House to say the words "September 11" in every other sentence?
I didn't see the Clinton/Dole thing on 60 minutes, but it has occurred to me in the past week that i actually miss Bill Clinton. I miss his personality, his charisma, and his ability to speak english. I miss his aloof, push-button approach to military intervention. Well, at least the current President has said that American troops won't occupy Iraq longer than is necessary for Democracy to take hold there. Just like the Democracies of Japan, Germany, Italy, and South Korea, none of whom are subject to an American military presence today. Oh wait, nevermind.