
Um... I don't know how to feel. The White Sox are going to win the World Series. What is this? What does this mean? What do I do? I'm looking forward to the indictments in the Plame case. I know how to be excited about that, but the World Series? Everything is so strange.

I mean... Geoff Blum? There was an interview with Blum on mlb.com a couple of days ago and he seemed such the odd-man out. It seemed he still wasn't sure whether to be upset about being traded.

What is this world coming to? Should I be frightened?


And of course I, like so many, tried and failed. But, I was close I tell you, I was close.
I clicked through the ticketmaster page at 11:59:59. I got to the event page and clicked through. I waited for the next page to load. You know, the one that asks you to type in the secret word hiding in the lattice work box? It loaded at 12:01:24. The problem is, the image with the encrypted word didn't load with the page. And thus, I was stuck. Stuck and thwarted.

But, I see there were fewer than 4000 tickets available for each game so... what the hell? Nobody gets tickets. Unless you or someone you know works for Major League Baseball.
Or U.S. Cellular.
Or one of the 29 other teams.


"Is This Heaven?"

"America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It's been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game, is a part of our past. It reminds us of all that once was good and that could be again."

-- James Earl Jones as Terrence Mann in "Field of Dreams"


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I want to give Tony Graffanino a hug. Maybe two hugs. One of consolation and one of gratitude.

Would it be too much to ask for the local news media to not treat a baseball game as if it were the most important event to occur that day?



During all the speculation about who would be nominated to the SCotUS when O'Connor decided to retire, someone really should have turned up John Roberts, who not only is dashingly handsome, but who had worked in the previous "original flavor" Bush administration. I mean, it would fit the pattern. But no one did and John Roberts appeared as a surprise. Either "an inspired choice" or a fortunate fluke.

So now, the question is:
Who is... Henry Jaglom.
No, wait. Who is Harriet Miers?

"I think it's important to bring somebody from outside the system, the judicial system, somebody that hasn't been on the bench and, therefore, there's not a lot of opinions for people to look at."

Ok. So you're saying you're just going to stand in front of the crease and try to slip one through the five hole, eh?

"And what I believe, and what I know is important, is that she doesn't change over the course of time. And had I thought she would change, I wouldn't put her on there."

Most people change over time, don't they? We learn. We grow.
Just look at David Souter.

I'm rather concerned about this one. At least with Roberts you could see how his mind works. Those memos from his tenure in the Justice Department turned out to be quite helpful in drawing out his legal epistemology. Maybe Harriet will be revealed to be J.R.'s aesthetically challenged and less credentialed legal doppleganger. But, I'm dubious. Who names their kid Harriet anyway?

Go Sox!