
Twin Cinema

Netflix just isn't what it used to be.
Let's go! I want my damn Cindy Sherman movie already!

I am not a selfish man; I only want one thing for Christmas and it came out yesterday.


Use It

Work is hard.
I hadn't been to work in 5 days.
I'm tired.

Why did I get this in my email?
And not just once, but several times over the last month.
My spam folder is comedy gold. Gold, I tell ya!


These Are The Fables

Through Wikipedia I was directed to a collection of object descriptions from a Japanese video game, which reminded me of the following bit of Borges:

...These ambiguities, redundances, and deficiences recall those attributed to a certain Chinese encyclopedia entitled Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge. On those remote pages it is written that animals are divided into:

(a) those that belong to the Emperor,
(b) embalmed ones,
(c) those that are trained,
(d) suckling pigs,
(e) mermaids,
(f) fabulous ones,
(g) stray dogs,
(h) those that are included in the present classification,
(i) those that tremble as if they were mad,
(j) innumerable ones,
(k) those drawn with a very fine camel's hair brush,
(l) others,
(m) those that have just broken a flower vase,
(n) those that from a long way off look like flies.



Main Entry: veri·si·mil·i·tude
Pronunciation: -s&-'mi-l&-"tüd, -"tyüd
Function: noun

Etymology: Latin verisimilitudo, from verisimilis verisimilar,
from veri similis like the truth

1: the quality or state of being verisimilar
2: something verisimilar

-veri·si·mil·i·tu·di·nous /-"mi-l&-'tüd-n&s, -'tyüd-; -'tü-d &n-&s, -'tyü- /adjective


Streets of Fire

Hello boys and girls!

Well, it's been a while since we last got together like this. Yes, there were some technical issues here which turned out to be browser related. But, you know I'm starting to wonder out loud if the days of the ol' alpha charlie bravo aren't simply on the wane. It's too unstructured for an undisciplined mind like mine. Then again, I've always aspired to possess some rudimentary form of discipline that could still, perhaps, manifest itself here.

Hey, who knew France was Europe's own Benton Harbor, eh?

Well, thanks for stopping by.
I'm sure we'll be seeing you again real soon.