
When did America Jump the Shark?
Vote for one:

  1. Never Jumped
  2. NAFTA
  3. Asian Financial Crisis
  4. 2000 Presidential Election
  5. 9/11
  6. Dept. of Homeland Security
  7. Invasion of Afghanistan
  8. Invasion of Iraq
  9. Gitmo
  10. Abu Ghraib
  11. NSA Wiretaps
  12. Other


Do you know how I know Oprah is evil?
Because she has unleashed her spawn Dr. Phil upon earth.

And what rough beast its hour come round at last
Slouches toward Harpo to be born


Here it Goes Again

Well, I suppose if you're going to take the time to pay me a visit here on teh intarwebs--it's a series of tubes, you know--I ought to supply some content.
So, here's a video: