
I happened to notice earlier today that my iTunes catalog now has exactly 6000 songs. Although, some of those "songs" are my own podcasts and recordings and other miscellany. If I were to employ strict quality controls on the catalog I could probably purge a couple hundred files that either aren't music or simply aren't any good. Regardless, the problem I have now is the number: 6000. It's such a clean, simple number; I'm reticent to change it. As soon as I add the next album, whatever it may be, that lovely, elegant number will be gone and in its place will be an awkward 6011 or 6013. I am slightly troubled by this.


Scouting Report

alpha charlie bravo
5'10" 235 lbs.
homo sapiens sapiens

Intelligent. Compassionate. Has a variety of interests and derives pleasure from simple pursuits. Is slow to anger; has a calm demeanor and even temperament. Has an active sense of humor and a wit that can amuse others. Patient. Fundamentally kind; almost never acts with intended malice, meanness or cruelty. Generous and helpful. Unpretentious. Intellectually curious. Open minded; is able to learn from others and respects alternate points of view. Fiercely rational. Honest and fair. Introspective and self aware. Carefully considers consequences before taking action. Capable writer with a good understanding of standard english usage.

Diffident. Lazy. Extremely shy. Lacks the basic assertiveness to accomplish every day tasks. Does not possess natural leadership skills. Resistant to change. Fails to translate intellect into achievement. Aloof and solitary. Struggles to acquire and maintain relationships. Has been known to alienate friends and rarely makes new ones. Does not understand basic social cues. Fiscally irresponsible. Will ignore the consequences of actions even when those consequences are well understood. Has many talents, but does not excel at any particular skill. More of a dreamer than an accomplisher. Not a fully self actualized individual.

Struggles to find his place in a world he can not save.


Hey kids, check out the music blog (Let's see how long I keep this one up.)
I'm not comfortable writing about music; or talking about it, for that matter. I'm always happy to share, but I don't possess many articulated ideas about the music I listen to. I ran into this problem with the Album of the Year podcast. I'd rather present the music than talk about it. Ultimately, any artistic object has to speak for itself, but I am struck particularly dumb at the task of describing the significance of sounds. I could not be a music critic. So, there may be a dearth of writing at the music blog, but there will be mp3s to listen to and YouTube videos to view.


Eats, Shoots & Leaves

After having read this article, I have resolved to use more semicolons. Just, not at the moment.

Faded From the Winter

Iron and Wine a cappella. Horribly off beat.

Lover, You Should Have Come Over

Another Jeff Buckley song. The file is too big to fit on Geocities; it's seven and a half minutes of aural torture.
The Geneva Convention doesn't apply.


I would like to acknowledge Hillary Clinton and Juan Uribe for (reluctantly) ceding to my demand that they go away. Robert Mugabe, don't make me come out there...


With Barack Obama poised to claim the Democratic Party's nomination for president. Let us soberly contemplate the nature of the office he seeks:
The Cult of the Presidency

And now, The Best of alpha charlie bravo presents an excerpt from an untitled post written during the election season of 2004.

July 29, 2004:
...if we hope to change our country, if we hope to change the world, (and we must for our survival now clearly depends on it) that hope for change cannot be embodied by any man or woman that has or ever will come to the podium at a party convention. Whatever progress in human history that has made our world less vulgar, less cruel; that has subdued iniquity or expanded opportunity, has only come about through the constant and difficult struggle for freedom. If we have become more civilized it is not because civilization was bestowed upon us by a sovereign power. It is because we have demanded justice and equity wherever these fundamental human values have been absent.

When the government does not speak in harmony with your voice, it is necessary to vote for change, but this is not sufficient. Government is a war against the people. Democracy is our strongest weapon in this war and our only hope. But, the struggle does not end in the voting booth, it only begins anew.