
It Covers the Hillsides

There have been times when I wish some outsider could observe my work day. It is difficult for me to verbally convey the processes, tasks, decisions involved, and the intense pace of it all. Yesterday was not one of those times. Due to the inclement weather, there wasn't much work. Accordingly, I really had nothing to do. In fact, the most interesting part of my day was the commute in which I played a rousing game of: "Hey, there's a red light! Let's see if I can stop!"

Woke Up In A Strange Place

Sometime between Sunday night and Monday morning, my vehicle became relieved of a hubcap. I don't know when or how this occurred, but it is yet another disruption to my vainglory.

Also, I awoke in a bathtub full of ice and was missing a kidney.



I know you are waiting with baited breath for more selections from my "best of 2006." But for now, please enjoy the greatest battle scene in the history of cinema.


Super Collider

I haven't turned on my Tv in a week.
Is something significant happening today?