The Battle of Brazil
For some reason, over the weekend I found myself looking at the message boards on imdb. I was looking at the board for the movie Brazil, which I think is a challenging film. I also looked at the boards of some of other favorites of mine that I think are difficult films: Fellini's 8 1/2 and Kurasawa's Ran.
A common denominator on these message boards is that someone always starts a thread to say that they hated the movie and that it was boring. This poster is then attacked for being stupid and not "getting it." The movie's defenders are then called pretentious; and this discourse goes on apparently for several weeks.
Clearly, these accusations are oversimplified. I think whether or not you like a movie like Brazil may depend significantly on your political point of view and your sense of humor.
Nevertheless, it's a bit surprising isn't it, when someone dislikes a movie you hold in high regard. I once showed "Monty Python's Holy Grail" to someone who had never seen it and her response was "I thought you said this was supposed to be funny." I was astonished.
Is there any movie you like that everyone else you know hates?