
Both Sides of the Brain

Well, I hope you all had the bestest Christmas everest! I myself am experiencing a rather disturbing case of "hey, didn't these pants used to fit?" But I'll get over it.

Shopping on Christmas Eve was not at all difficult. i met my mom downtown and bought her crack for lunch, which she unequivocally deserved after standing in an unreasonably long line at Old Navy to pick up a gift certificate I intended to give on Christmas.

I have an active contempt of Old Navy and that State St. store particularly. I find it so discouraging to see the countless number of shoppers who squeeze themselves into interminable lines that snake between cursory metal and nylon barriers, clutching the unstylish clothing that is offered to them as de rigueur.

Anyway, I was so thoroughly enthralled in the spirit of giving, that over the weekend I decided to give myself an iPod as I had earlier intimated I might. I also acquired an FM transmitter that allows me to listen to my iPod in the car, which was a central issue for me.

So now I am yet another step closer to a brain tumor. "Wtf?" You say? Well, for those of you not scoring at home, I now employ the following technologies: wireless internet, a wireless phone and a radio transmitter that is about eight inches from my head while I'm driving.

Please schedule me for a CAT scan. What the hell, I don't care. I've got health insurance.