
I'm back bitches.

Ok I have some questions for you. If you do not answer them I may have to resort to harsh measures:

Alright. First of all, what is your position on torture?
I saw Alan Dershowitz (the clown in a lawyer suit) on Nightline last week and his position seemed to be that violating the Geneva conventions is, at least under some circumstances, acceptable as long as it receives authorization from the highest levels of government, which if Seymour Hersh is correct the activities at Abu Ghraib did. So, in your view is torture, or the kind of treatment reported at Abu Graib and elsewhere, acceptable under some circumstances and if so, what are the circumstances?

Secondly, which is more interesting: an interview with Colin Powell or an image of a lovely Jordanian palm tree.

Finally, would you consider voting for a John Kerry/John McCain ticket? Would having John McCain as a running mate increase, decrease or not affect the likelihood of you voting John Kerry for President?


I'll get back to you later on these issues.