
That's When I Reach for My Revolver

I have mostly managed to avoid the Hillary Clinton media juggernaut of the past couple of weeks, but a groggy me was unwittingly exposed to portions of a radio interview she had given. Maybe it was a result of the semi-consciousness, but I could have sworn that some of the things I heard her say actually made sense. One of the things she said is that the Bush administration is neither compassionate nor conservative. Of course, the fact that the Republican Party decided to say "We're compassionate, now" is an indication of an image problem, at least. But I would agree that the current White House is not conservative, at least in a traditional since; it's a fiscally irresponsible, interventionist administration. If you really want to see conservativism (my biggest problem with the W. is that he took a syllable out of the word conservativism and made it conservatism; and everybody acts as if it is perfectly normal to truncate syllables from a root word when you add a suffix. That should be an impeachable offense.) read one of Pat Buchanan's books. No, seriously. Push aside his xenophobia and consider his views, especially on the economy.

Also, the Bush administration wants to extend the assault weapons ban Which I have mixed feelings about, because some part of me wants to walk the streets toting a kalashnikov. But I guess if I want that kind of freedom I'll have to move to Iraq.

Coming soon:
An alpha charlie bravo polemic: Why the Bush tax plan won't work

Go Howard Dean!