I didn't realize it was Friday 13th yesterday, until only ten minutes were left in the day. And there was a full moon... all of this apparently means nothing to me.
I neglected to mention that after I had assembled my new futon from (if you need a futon in the Chicago area, John will bring you one) I decided that I wanted it on the other side of the room. Which was no problem--I had to move stuff; and in the course of moving stuff I discovered that I had five million pennies lying around. Wait, if I had five million pennies, I'd be a thousandaire! Woohoo! I'm middle class! I'm middle class!
I had stuff to say about the Sammy Sosa incident, but who cares now. I think I'll go play with my prarie dogs. Just for the record Phil, of Phil's Pocket Pets,a Tamagotchi is a pocket pet. A prairie dog is not. A giant Gambian Rat is not. Well, maybe if you're wearing cargo pants. This whole incident reminds me of a scene in the movie Exotica where a Canadian customs agent is training a new guy to recognize people trying to smuggle animals into the country... It seems I have nothing more to say about that.
hmm, Well.