When the BBC launched this new Doctor Who series, it was uncertain until production began whether the estate of Terry Nation would consent to the use of the Daleks in the new series. That coupled with Britain's previous infatuation with the creatures made this the most anticipated episode of the new series. It also happens to be one of the best.
Britain during the 60s and 70s experienced something called "Dalek mania." These classic Doctor Who villains created by Terry Nation were so popular that two Doctor Who movies were made to showcase them. So what's the big deal? One might imagine that forty years ago a dalek may have looked like a sophisticated futuristic robot. But, today it just looks like a giant salt shaker with a plunger sticking out of it. I think what made the Daleks compelling for me was their indefatigable single-mindedness. A Dalek wants to kill you. It's that simple. It's smarter than you and it wants to kill you.
There are two major accomplishments in this episode. One is reintroducing the Dalek creature and making it menacing. It is an unstoppable killing machine that mocks the humans who try to stop it. The other is the performance of Christopher Eccleston. We see the Doctor at various points laid bare. Fear, rage, despair revealed and unfettered in a manner that is uncommon for this character. The events of this episode create a personal crisis for the Doctor and ultimately alter him in meaningful ways.
12 years ago