It's funny how the mind works. 80 percent of the time, I go right through yellow lights. For various reasons, on Monday on my way to work, I stopped. As I looked in my rear view mirror, even before the impact, I thought of a Dane Cook comedy routine.
He does a bit on car accidents in which he says even if the accident isn't your fault, the other driver gets out of his car and looks at you as if it were your fault: "Why did you stop at a red light and let me hit you! Why?"
This post has a lot of tangetial subjects, so I'm just going to abandon the car accident story and follow the stream of my consciousness.
When I "blog" I actually do a fair amount of research. It probably doesn't show. But anyway, I was looking at Dane Cook's myspace page a few minutes ago and that man has over 1 million myspace stalkers. In fact, according to wikipedia it was his myspace page that gave him a much needed career boost.
I just find that interesting/frightening/sleazy.
Additionally yet completely unrelated, do you suppose that the success of the 2005 Academy Award nominated film "Crash" will accidentally lead people to discover the very different 1997 David Cronenberg movie of the same name? A movie that contains what is in my opinion the creepiest performance ever recorded on film?
Well, the door of my trunk is smashed in which is the only damage that was sustained in the accident.
12 years ago