Whoa. I kind of went incommunicado for a while there, didn't I? All work and no play make alpha charlie bravo something... something...
I joined Netflix last week. I have a problem with video stores. I never return videos on time. Never. I have an irrational aversion to returning rented videos. So receiving them in the mail and returning them through the mail is a nice convenience for me.
This week I received my first group of movies. I watched Lost in Translation and Day For Night. But this is what makes Netflix potentially great: Somewhere in my queue is The Five Obstructions. I challenge you to find a chain video store that carrys "The Five Obstructions."
Now, you may be aware that I have started a little digital discussion group: The North Occidental Symposium. I find it a bit disappointing that there are only five registered members. Especially considering that two of those members are me. Nevertheless, there has actually been discussion taking place. You are invited, welcomed, encouraged to participate. If you didn't receive an invitation email me.
12 years ago