
Alright, while the Olympics were on Tv the other day, I was jarred back to consciousness by the surprising sound of a familiar song. There's a VW Taureg Tv ad (which I could not find online) that uses the song "Ariel Ramirez" by Richard Buckner as its audio backdrop. This was a strange experience for me because I don't think I've ever heard a Richard Buckner song anywhere except coming out of my own speakers (the guy doesn't even have a record deal anymore).

And so I've come to realize that I despise NBC's Olympic coverage. That sour Tv aftertate is part of what makes the Olympics less of a tasty treat. But the positives for Olympic coverage are that it's on at 3am and the it's sports. I like having sports on Tv, because genearally I can decide what degree of engagement my viewing will have. A sitcom or a drama has to be focused on for the right effect to be acheived. But, sports can be ignored without losing the plot. The same is true with news. I could have CNN or even better C-Span on Tv all day. It would always be there, yet I would never have to actually watch it.