As I promised i'm posting the comments received during the week. But first, let me tell you about some of the improvements hopefully to come at alpha charlie bravo to make your blog experience better:
- An actual commenting system so viewers can respond to the blog instantaneously
- Links to other blogs
- meta tags
- At least 4 new posts every week, Mon-Thurs.
- NU beat Indiana!
- More non-sequitors
These are just some of the improvements to come. If you have any suggestions on how alpha charlie bravo can improve, email me. Also, feel free to link alpha charlie bravo on your blog or site and I will link yours. Just send me the URL, if i don't already have it, and up you go.
Here are the comments of the week:
Re: I Am Music:
"I love Yankee Hotel Foxtrot!"
I had admired Wilco for some time before Yankee Hotel but, i never made the commitment, until. It's #1 on's editor's choice list. Flaming Lips and Neko Case are also on the list.
Re: The Birth of Tragedy:
"...when the Challenger crashed... it put it in perspective for everyone that, oh, wait, this is dangerous. This time around, we understand it better, I think. And hey, maybe, just maybe, the World Trade Center tragedy truthfully redefined the word "tragedy" for the common person...of course, not my colleagues in the media...ridiculous."
I think that's exactly right. Maybe we haven't always apreciated how dangerous going into space is to begin with. In fact, i'm damn impressed that in over twenty years of shuttle flights, NASA has only had two fatal accidents. Space travel isn't like Airline travel, there are exponentially greater risks and challenging those risks is heroic in itself. The 7 astronauts don't become heroes because they died, all Death makes of us is dust. If they are heroes, it must be for the way they lived, and aspired to live.
Well, that's the end of our broadcast week. Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to tune in Monday. Hopefully I'll be able to think up some crap by then.