I was fumbling around for some nuggets (mmm... nuggets) on the uppcoming nfl draft, when i found this lovely bit of musing:
Socialists of the world, GO TO HELL
At the Senior Bowl, there were rumblings about the future of NFL Europe. Some indicated that NFL Europe might not play at all this year... The unsettling situation in the Socialist Second World, Europe, specifically Germany and France and their sucking up to terrorists, would put "our" players in jeopardy. The anti-US sentiment is more than players and coaches should put up with.
First, let me say that we are very fortunate in this country to have avoided the kind of politics that Europe has been subject to. Otherwise we might not have our HMO's or our high infant mortality rates and low wages, relative to the rest of the industrialized world. Who should we thank for this? There should be a holiday.
Second, the President's speech writers should be immediately lobbied to declare France and Germany evil, as only they have the metaphysical authority to do. And Mexico should be put on some sort of watch list. After all, you're either with us or against us, dead or alive, amen.
At least we can count on the support of Bulgaria.
On Charlie Rose last night, Youssef Ibrahim said, "Yasser Arafat is locked in two rooms with a cell phone... and all he can do with the cell phone is order a sandwich." Is there really a good sandwich place in Ramallah that delivers? Maybe they have a Jimmy Johns, or a Quizno's that only delivers for the one hour a day the city is not under curfew.