A Theory of Justice
Whenever i take the Metra downtown and the U of C types board at 59th St., (students or academics, or maybe hyde park residents) they are not unlikely to be well dressed. Perhaps, i have concluded, the best dressed college students in the area, although this of course is only an anecdotal sample.
Two such young women were seated in front of me and my interest in their conversation was piqued when i heard the phrase "moral authority." They were discussing, i believe, an ethics class and one posited to the other the following moral dilemma raised in class:
"What if a terrorist planted a bomb that would kill 1,000 people and was in custody but would not, under any circumstances tell where the bomb was located. However, you know that if you subjected the man's eight year old son to torture, the man would provide the information needed to find and disarm the bomb."
So, what would you do?