12 years ago
Any Given Sunday
Some observations from Super Bowl Sunday...
yes, of course i know it's late.
Early in the day Fox broadcast "Howie Long's Tough Guys" wherein Howie Long decides who the "toughest" players are in the NFL. Naturally, they taped Howie's stand-ups at various military bases around the country, with Howie basking in the unassailable toughness of the marines, navy etc.
Both in and out of every break they featured a nostalgaic inteview with people affilliated with the NFL who served in the military. When they ran out of NFL vets, they interviewed regular military. One marine said, "Being a marine means standing up for what is right, even if it is unpopular," which everyone knows doesn't get you anywhere. Just ask this marine.
While Ari Fleischer may insist that the president has not made a decision on war, it seems that Fox has. Also, one can take the military/sports metaphor too far. If some players were killed in the Super Bowl and also a few hundred fans, then you would have a closer comparison.
Celine Dion, a canadian, singing God Bless America; very unAmerican. Troyal said, "Maybe she's singing God Bless NAFTA."
(btw, props to Urban Therapy for their "First Annual Super Bowl Partay." It's always nice to attend UT events, especially since, as everyone knows, i don't have friends of my own.)
The ads by the Office of National Drug Control Policy...ya!
One had the tagline "Drug money supports terrible things," well hell, so does tax money, QED.
Posted by acb at 10:14
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