Before the start of the baseball season I was going to post my predictions for the division winners. Ultimately, I didn't because I couldn't get it to format correctly and who cares anyway. So I can't prove it, but I may get all six division winners correct. But it could all go wrong this weekend as the Mets are engaged in an historic collapse, the Cubs are desperately trying to give their lead away and the Diamondbacks are holding on for dear life.
Posted by acb at 10:40 |
I don't know if you are familiar with this artist or this song, but I bet I know what your experience of watching this video will be: First you may think, "well the music's nice." Then she will begin to sing and you will think "wtf?" Because this is a video of a live performance you will probably skip the "is this a joke?" phase. Your next thought will fall into one of two categories: "this is horrible," or "this is fantastic." Those of you who think the latter probably have serious psychological issues. I myself find it practically unbearable. But, it's actually a good song. In fact, there's a version of this song inside my head that I enjoy. I wish you could hear my version, but maybe you'll have your own.
Posted by acb at 01:16 |
I Dreamed I Stopped Dreaming
I heard somewhere that it's not good form socially to talk about one's own dreams as if they would be of any interest to anyone besides one's self. Therefore, I won't bore you with the details of the dream I had last night which featured Steven Colbert and enormous quantities of pasta.
I also will refrain from telling you about how last week, I fell asleep with NPR on while John Mearsheimer was being questioned about his book The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy and dreamed that I was on the field watching an MLB team take batting practice. I was chatting with a pitcher about Carlos Lee when he suddenly turned the conversation to Jewish outfielders.
Now I'm convinced that Shawn Green wants to go to war with Iran.
Posted by acb at 01:11 |
I suck at Fantasy Football. ...And life.
Although, the two aren't necessarily related.
But, they might be. Hell, I don't know.
Posted by acb at 13:39 |
This is the Doctor Who episode for people who aren't Doctor Who fans.
So, watch it.
But, don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead. Don't turn your back, don't look away and Don't blink.
Posted by acb at 13:16 |
Stand Down
This is the temporary home of The Mind of the Metropolitan.
The new episode is below. Run time: 33:29.
Posted by acb at 12:54 |
This edition of The Best of alpha charlie bravo fulfills an annual quota of Jerry Lewis references: The Tears of a Clown.
Posted by acb at 10:18 |
Hot Thing
In honor of their victory over Michigan today:
Now playing: Talib Kweli - Hot Thing
Posted by acb at 20:25 |