Episode 11
"Playing with so many lives, you might as well be a god."
Well, these adventures are soon coming to an end. But first, there are some issues left to be considered. The Doctor likes to think that he comes and goes, rights wrongs when necessary and leaves behind no trace. But, the only survivor of the Slitheen plot from the episodes Aliens of London/World War Three knows better. Her family is dead and she finds herself stranded on Earth. "From what I've seen your happy go-lucky life leaves devestation in its wake," she tells the Doctor. This idea and the episode in which it is contained is a thematic prelude to the upcoming two part season finale: Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways.
A side note, it seems to me one of the worst things you can do as a writer is invoke a Deus ex Machina to resolve a plot. It's even worse to do it twice. But I suppose if you're going to use it, alerting the audience to its existence in one episode makes it easier to swallow in another.
The project to build a nuclear power plant in Cardiff is named "Blaidd Drwg," which is Welsh for "Bad Wolf." The Doctor and Rose finally notice that those words have been following them, but the Doctor dismisses it as a coincidence.
12 years ago