You know, in retrospect, I really wish I had changed the "Now Playing" title at least. I apologise for the interesting conceptually, but not actually worth listening to music that has been promoted here for the past 15 days. I've been giving the Mars Volta's Frances the Mute another listen lately, but it is Martha Wainwright's 150p x 150p image that will appear in the right column for awhile.
I don't care about Star Wars. I liked the original movies, but I have not seen, nor have I been interested in any of the prequels. This fact provides me with a slight feeling of superiority. That is, until I recall that I've been suffering from a Doctor Who obsession since the premiere of the new series on the BBC. The symptoms include: spending an inordinate amount of time on the elaborate BBC website devoted to the series, seeking out old Doctor Who episodes on Netflix and placing them at the top of my queue, wringing my hands over the anticipated North American release of Season 1 of the new series on DVD. I'm not sure if I need to find a community or a therapy group. I've tried to keep quiet about all this, but I want to share with you two things:
- The Last Dalek Game A Flash game based on Episode 6.
- The Fear Forecasters The BBC's response to parents who complained the show is too scary for children. It is, it seems to me, simultaneously an extended middle finger to and an active disclaimer for such complaints.
What is it about the convergence of science fiction and childhood that captures permanently our imaginative spirit?